Based on customer reviews this shoe (Size):Runs SmallTrue to SizeRuns Large
Based on customer reviews this shoe (Fit):Runs NarrowRuns Wide
A hard pass
I expected these socks to be the same quality as their ankle socks but these are really thin with no traction on the bottom. Considering the price and the quality of the socks, I'll pass on these. I don't wear them unless they are the last pair in my sock drawer.
Based on customer reviews this shoe (Fit):Runs NarrowRuns Wide
Based on customer reviews this shoe (Size):Runs SmallTrue to SizeRuns Large
Would not buy again
I bought these no-show socks, thinking they'd be great as the ankle socks my husband wears with his kiziks. But these are thinner and have no traction. I have been using Vans' no show socks for years now, so these don't even come close. Especially, for the price you pay and the quality you get, I'd pass on these.