What are the best insoles for plantar fasciitis?

May 08, 2024

What are the best insoles for plantar fasciitis?

If every step you take in the morning sends a sharp reminder from your heel to your brain, you know what plantar fasciitis is. It's one of the most common causes of heel pain out there. 

Luckily, you're not stuck with it. Knowing what's behind this pesky pain can be your first step toward relief.

What is plantar fasciitis?

Here’s the lowdown:

The symptoms can be pretty telltale, and if you’re nodding along to these, it might be time to check in with a specialist:

  • Sharp, stabbing pain: Often felt in the heel, especially with those first morning steps or after long periods of sitting.
  • Aching or burning: This can spread across the bottom of the foot, turning every step into a burden. 
  • Stiffness: Your foot will tighten up and feel less flexible than you did in the past. 

Understanding these symptoms is key to addressing the discomfort of plantar fasciitis effectively. But remember, while symptoms can guide you, a healthcare professional's diagnosis is crucial to getting the right treatment and relief.

Why are insoles effective for plantar fasciitis?

When you’re grappling with plantar fasciitis, every step can feel like a hurdle. That’s where insoles step in—literally. 

By slipping the right insole into your shoe, you can transform your everyday footwear into a custom-fit remedy that supports and soothes. But what makes insoles such a game-changer for those aching feet?

Targeted arch support

Insoles for plantar fasciitis have targeted support for your arches. Plantar fasciitis often stems from inadequate arch support, which can lead to overstretching and straining of the plantar fascia. 

Quality insoles are designed to cradle the arch, maintaining the natural curvature of your foot. This helps distribute body weight more evenly across the foot, minimizing the concentration of stress on the heel and forefoot.

Enhanced cushioning

Another key aspect of insoles that makes them effective for managing the symptoms of plantar fasciitis is their cushioning. The right amount of cushioning acts like a shock absorber, taking the brunt of every step’s impact. 

Improved foot alignment

Misalignment in your walking pattern can put additional strain on your plantar fascia. Insoles can manage these misalignments by supporting the correct positioning of your foot when standing and walking. Additionally, a deep heel cup keeps the heel stabilized, ensuring the natural padding of your foot is optimally positioned under the heel bone.

How to choose the right insoles for your needs

Selecting the right insoles for plantar fasciitis can feel a bit like navigating a maze. With a variety of options on the market, it’s essential to pick a pair that fits not just your shoes, but also your lifestyle and specific foot needs. 

Here's how to zero in on the insoles that will ensure all-day comfort and support: 

Understand your foot type

The first step in choosing the right insoles is understanding your foot type. Different insoles cater to different arch types—high, low, or neutral. 

Knowing your arch type helps you select an insole that provides the right level of support. For example, someone with a high arch will need more arch support to fill the natural gap under the arch.

Consider the insole material

Insoles come in various materials, each offering different benefits:

  • Memory foam: Conforms to your foot for a personalized fit. Con: may compress over time.
  • Gel: Provides excellent shock absorption and is durable. Con: It’s on the heavy side. 
  • Foam: Offers a good balance of comfort and support and is lightweight. Con: It may wear out quicker than other materials.

Match the insole to your activity level

Think about your daily activities. You'll need insoles designed for high-impact or prolonged standing if you're an athlete or someone who stands a lot at work. For casual wear, comfort and moderate support are where to focus. 

Check for compatibility with your shoes

Not all insoles fit all shoe types. Make sure the insoles you choose can be trimmed if necessary and are thin enough to fit into your regular shoes without making them too tight. 

Here are some quick tips:

  • Trim-to-fit: Some insoles come in a full size that can be trimmed down to fit your specific shoe size. 
  • Slim vs. thick: Consider the amount of space in your shoe. A thicker insole may offer more cushioning but can restrict foot space in the shoe.

Evaluate reviews and recommendations

When buying insoles online, sift through customer reviews to understand their real-world performance. Feedback from those with similar needs can guide your choice, ensuring the insoles you pick to enhance your comfort and effectively manage plantar fasciitis symptoms.

Where can you find the best insoles for plantar fasciitis?

Where can you track down the best insoles for plantar fasciitis? Whether you're perusing the aisles of a local health shop, clicking through pages online, or swapping stories in health forums, the journey to finding the perfect insole is as varied as the shoes in your closet.

Visit physical retailers and specialty stores

Stepping into a physical store allows you to get hands-on with different insoles. It lets you feel the materials, flex them in your hands, and chat with knowledgeable staff who can tailor advice to your foot’s needs.

Embrace online shopping

The online universe stretches wide with possibilities. Here, you can leap from one product to another, comparing specs and soaking up reviews at warp speed. It’s the ultimate convenience—shop while you lounge, no socks required. 

Does Kizik offer insoles?

Absolutely! At Kizik, we're not just about crafting shoes you can slip into effortlessly. We're also passionate about enhancing every step of your walking experience.  

Our insoles are designed with both comfort and functionality in mind, perfect for those battling the discomforts of plantar fasciitis or simply seeking a more comfortable stride.

We’ve developed two types of insoles that cater specifically to different needs. Both can soothe discomfort and support foot health:

  • Arch Form Insole: Tailored for those who need sturdy support throughout their day. Our Arch Form Insole is engineered to follow the natural contours of your foot, offering firm support that mirrors your movements. It’s ideal for long days on your feet, helping to distribute pressure evenly.
  • Super Squish Insole: For those prioritizing supreme comfort, the Super Squish Insole is your go-to. It’s designed to provide a cloud-like feel underfoot, molding to your foot's shape without losing its supportive properties. This insole ensures your comfort is long-lasting, making every step feel like a gentle bounce.

Switching to our insoles can transform your footwear, turning even the most basic shoe into a haven for your feet. They’re easy to insert into any pair of Kiziks and are versatile enough to fit many other types of footwear. Plus, their durability means they’re built to support you and your feet no matter where your day takes you. 

How do I properly insert my insoles?

Getting your insoles in place correctly is as important as choosing the right pair. 

Here's how to do it seamlessly:

Remove existing insoles

Before anything else, take out the current insoles from your shoes if they are removable. This creates the necessary space and ensures your new insoles sit perfectly without overcrowding your footwear.

Position correctly

Slide the new insoles into your shoes, starting with the heel. Make sure the heel of the insole aligns with the heel of your shoe to avoid any uncomfortable buckling or shifting.

Trim for fit

If the insoles extend beyond the front of your shoes, trim them carefully along the marked guidelines. This ensures they fit precisely within your shoes, enhancing comfort and support.

How do I care for my insoles?

So, you’ve got your insoles, and they're fitting snugly into your shoes—great start! But how do you keep them performing at their best? Like any good support system, they need a little TLC to keep them going strong. 

Here are some essential care tips to extend the life and effectiveness of your insoles:

Regular cleaning

Keeping your insoles clean is important, not just for hygiene, but also to maintain their material integrity. Dirt and moisture can break down the materials quicker than you'd think.

Method: Remove the insoles from your shoes and gently brush off any loose dirt. For a deeper clean, use a mild soap and a damp cloth to wipe them down. Avoid soaking them. Too much water can damage the materials.

Proper drying

After cleaning, or if your insoles have gotten wet from sweat or moisture, properly drying them is key to preventing odors and deterioration.

Method: Pat them down with a towel to remove excess moisture, then let them air dry completely before placing them back in your shoes. Never use a direct heat source like a hairdryer, as this can warp or shrink the insoles.


Insoles can start to smell over time due to bacteria buildup from sweat, which is completely normal but not particularly pleasant.

Method: Sprinkle baking soda on the insoles and let it sit overnight to absorb odors. In the morning, tap off the baking soda, and you’re ready to go. You can also use a shoe deodorizing spray for an extra freshness boost.

Periodic inspection

Regular checks for wear and tear can help you decide when it’s time to replace your insoles. Keeping them past their prime can lead to decreased support and comfort.

Method: Look for signs of flattening, tears, or material degradation. If the arch support has diminished or the cushioning doesn’t bounce back like it used to, it’s time for a new pair.


If you have multiple pairs of shoes you wear regularly, rotating insoles between them can help prolong their life by giving them time to recover and air out between uses.

Method: Switch your insoles to a different pair of shoes every other day. This rotation allows each pair of insoles to maintain their shape and effectiveness longer.

A final word

Stepping into the world of insoles is more than just a comfort upgrade—it’s a leap toward reclaiming your daily joy of movement. At Kizik, we understand every step you take is an opportunity to feel better. 

Ready to step out in comfort? Try our Arch Form or Super Squish Insoles and feel the difference in every stride. 

Whether you're off to work or simply doing errands, we're here to ensure your steps are pain-free. Your feet deserve the best; give them the comfort they've been seeking with Kizik insoles. 

Explore our range today and step into a world where comfort meets craftsmanship.


Plantar fasciitis - Symptoms and causes | Mayo Clinic

Plantar Fasciitis: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment Options | Cleveland Clinic

Shock absorption characteristics of running shoes | PubMed 

How to determine foot arch type | Mayo Clinic Health System

Written By: Chris Fry

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