What are the top shoes for hip pain?

June 06, 2024

What are the top shoes for hip pain?

Have you ever wondered why your hips ache after a day on your feet? You're not alone. Hip pain is a common complaint. The culprit? It’s often your shoe. 

In this article, we'll explore hip pain, outline its common symptoms, and teach you how to choose the right footwear to ease your discomfort. If you're ready to step into comfort and leave aching behind, keep reading.

What is hip pain?

Hip pain doesn’t lie. It’s real and it tends to show up when you least expect it. It can hit you sharp and quick during a morning jog or creep in as a dull ache after a long day at work. No matter the circumstances, hip pain can seriously cramp your style. 

Let's break down what might be happening in your hip area:

  • Persistent soreness: It’s that nagging ache in your hips that doesn’t want to say goodbye, especially after long periods of sitting or sleeping.
  • Sharp pains: Ever get that stabbing feeling when climbing stairs or sprinting to catch the bus? Yep, that's it.
  • Stiffness: Your hips feels tight and are not able to move freely, especially after you've been still for a while.
  • Reduced range of motion: If swinging your leg feels like a chore, it's probably your hips telling you they're not happy.
  • Swelling or tenderness: This could be your hip's way of showing you something's up, sometimes even feeling warm to the touch.

What causes hip pain?

Knowing why your hips might be throwing a fit helps you make informed decisions and keeps you moving smoothly. 

Let’s unpack the usual suspects behind hip discomfort:


Imagine the joints in your hips as hinges that have started to rust over time; that’s what arthritis can feel like. It occurs when the cartilage that cushions your joints wears down, leading to discomfort and stiffness. Joint wear is a natural part of aging and is one of the most common reasons people feel pain in their hips.


Your body has built-in shock absorbers called bursae, which cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near your joints. Bursitis happens when bursae get irritated, usually from repetitive activities that put pressure on the hip joints. This irritation can cause a discomforting sensation and limit your movement, making everyday activities more challenging.

Injuries and strains

Whether it’s a slip, a fall, or an ambitious move at a weekend sports game, injuries and muscle strains can lead directly to hip pain. These injuries might cause immediate pain or develop into longer-term aches as the impact on your hip is more deeply felt, especially if not given proper time or care to heal.


If you love staying active, be it running, biking, or long walks, you might experience hip pain due to overuse. Repeating the same movements can stress the hip joint and surrounding muscles, leading to a buildup of wear and sharp pain. 

Postural issues

Think of your body as a structure supported by a foundation: Your posture. If that foundation is off-kilter, it can lead to imbalances that strain your hips. Improper alignment when you walk, stand, or even sit can place pressure on your hips, leading to discomfort or pain over time.

How can shoes affect hip discomfort?

How much do your shoes do for you? A lot. In fact, they're crucial players in how you move through your day. The shoes you choose can make or break your comfort levels. 

Here are a few reasons why picking the right pair is important:


Your shoes serve as the base for your entire body's alignment. When this foundation is off, (even slightly), it can throw everything above it—knees, hips, even your back—out of whack. Good shoes help maintain a balance that keeps your body's natural mechanisms in harmony, easing the strain on your hips.


How your shoes interact with the ground impacts how smoothly your body moves. Shoes that facilitate a smooth transition from heel to toe can ease the jarring motions that aggravate hip discomfort. This smoother motion supports your hips by absorbing shock and impact.


Continual support is crucial, especially when dealing with chronic discomfort. Shoes that provide consistent, reliable support help manage the load your hips carry throughout the day. This ongoing support is essential for managing existing discomfort and easing additional strain that could worsen your condition.

The right shoes are your first line of defense and your best support when managing hip discomfort. They're the unsung heroes who work quietly behind the scenes to keep you moving easily and comfortably. 

What to look for in shoes if you have hip discomfort

Now that we've established how important the right shoes are for managing hip discomfort, let’s focus on what specifically makes a shoe beneficial. Picking the right pair can significantly improve your day-to-day mobility. 

Here are the key features to look for that can help you step more comfortably:


Quality cushioning doesn’t need to feel like stepping into a cloud. Instead, it's about finding the perfect balance where your shoe absorbs shock before it can jolt your hips. Look for shoes that provide a plush yet responsive cushion that can ease the impact of each step, helping you walk more comfortably without aggravating your hips.

Arch support

Arch support is both a comfort feature and a functional necessity. Proper support helps distribute your weight evenly across your feet, reducing the load on your hips and ensuring every step is more balanced. It's like making sure the tires on your car are correctly aligned—except it’s for your body.


Stability in your shoes can keep your movements fluid and natural. A stable base means less unnecessary strain on your hips from trying to maintain balance. Look for shoes with structured heel cups and firm midsoles that support your foot and keep your gait in check, preventing a sideways wobble that can throw everything off.

Flexible forefoot

While stability is essential, flexibility in the forefoot allows your foot to move naturally, which promotes a better gait cycle. This flexibility helps smooth out your steps, reducing the abrupt stops and starts that can lead to hip discomfort. It’s about ensuring your foot can flex in a way that feels as natural as walking barefoot on the beach.


A good fit is essential. Shoes that are too tight or loose can lead to a slippery slope of problems for both your feet and hips. A perfect fit means your shoes snugly accommodate your feet, offering support without squeezing or allowing too much movement inside.

What are the best shoes for managing hip discomfort?

Ready to find some relief for hip discomfort? Here are some shoes that blend comfort, support, and style to help you move more freely.


Say hello to Kizik, where comfort meets convenience. Our shoes are a no-brainer for anyone dealing with hip discomfort. 

Thanks to our cushy outsoles and adjustable arch support, your steps can be as soft as your favorite pillow. And with HandsFree Labs® technology, slipping into Kiziks is a breeze. No bending, no fuss—what’s not to love?

Orthopedic shoes

Think of orthopedic shoes as your feet’s best friends. They come packed with goodies: Superior arch support, solid heel counters, and cushioning that makes you forget you’re wearing shoes at all. They’re tailor-made to support alignment and soothe your stride—exactly what the doctor ordered for hip discomfort.

Supportive athletic shoes

For the movers and shakers out there, supportive athletic shoes are the way to go. Look for kicks with plush, responsive midsoles, and stability features that keep your feet in check even when you’re in motion. These shoes are made to handle the highs and lows of your workouts while keeping hip pain in check.

What shoes should you avoid if you have hip discomfort?

Not all footwear is created equal for your hips; some types can actually exacerbate hip discomfort. 

Here’s a rundown of the kinds of shoes you might want to avoid if you're experiencing hip issues.

High heels

Elevated heels are a big no-no for hip discomfort. They tilt your body forward, forcing you to adjust your posture to maintain balance. As a result, this unnatural alignment puts extra stress on your hips, knees, and lower back.

Flat shoes without support

At the opposite end of the spectrum, flat shoes with little to no arch support are also a no-go. These shoes can lead to overpronation or excess flattening of the foot, which can misalign your legs and hips and increase discomfort.

Hard-soled shoes

Shoes with very rigid soles force your foot into a flat, unyielding position, absorbing very little shock. This lack of cushioning can have a greater impact on your hips with every step you take, especially on hard surfaces.

Old or worn-out shoes

Even the best shoes can become problematic once they're past their prime. Worn-out shoes often lose their cushioning and structural support. This can lead to poor posture and increased strain on your hips. Make sure to replace your footwear regularly or as soon as they start showing signs of excessive wear.

Is it time to ditch those old, worn-out shoes? Upgrade to Kiziks for unbeatable comfort and ease. Whether you're tackling rugged terrain with the Wasatch or stepping out in style with the Prague, we have the perfect fit for your lifestyle, ensuring you always step in comfort without sacrificing support.

Put your foot down against hip discomfort

The right pair of shoes can transform your day, turning every step from a painful challenge into a comfortable stride. 

At Kizik, we're proud to offer slip-on shoes that don't just promise ease and comfort, but deliver on it every single time. With adjustable support, Kiziks are designed to cater specifically to your needs.

So why wait? Step into a pair of Kiziks and step out of your discomfort. Your hips will thank you. 


Hip Pain: Causes and Treatment | Cleveland Clinic

Ageing - muscles bones and joints | Better Health Channel 

Anatomy, Skin Bursa - StatPearls | NCBI Bookshelf

Hip Pain From Sitting (And What To Do) | Franciscan Health 

The arch support insoles show benefits | PMC

Written By: Chris Fry

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