What Type of Insoles Help With Overpronation?

May 16, 2024

What Type of Insoles Help With Overpronation?

Ever wondered why some shoes feel great at first but leave you aching after a day on your feet? At Kizik, we understand the factors that go into ensuring comfort and avoiding discomfort. 

To start, let's talk about overpronation—a common foot movement pattern that can impact your comfort and shoe choice.

What Is Overpronation?

Overpronation occurs when your foot rolls inward excessively as you walk or run, transferring excessive weight to the inner edge of your foot. It's a natural part of the foot's movement but becomes an issue when it's exaggerated. This is different from underpronation (or supination), where the foot rolls outward, placing more stress on the outer edge.

Why Is It Important to Address Overpronation?

Ignoring overpronation can feel like skating on thin ice. The longer you go without addressing it, the more you risk the ice breaking underneath you—in this case, leading to potential injuries and discomfort

Here’s why you should pay attention to overpronation:

  • Prevents Injury: Overpronation increases stress on your ankles, knees, and hips. Proper support can reduce the risk of common injuries such as shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and tendonitis.
  • Enhances Stability: By addressing overpronation, you improve your foot's alignment. This enhances stability, balance, and improves your gait, making walking and running more efficient.
  • Improves Comfort: Finding the right support for overpronation can transform your experience with shoes. No more "great at first but painful later" scenarios; instead, you enjoy lasting comfort.
  • Increases Longevity of Footwear: When your foot is properly aligned, your shoes wear down more evenly, which can extend the life of your favorite pairs.

Addressing overpronation is not just about mitigating immediate discomfort—it’s an investment in your long-term health and mobility. Giving your feet the support they need sets you up for more comfortable, injury-free motion in daily life.

How Do Insoles Help With Overpronation?

Think of insoles as your feet’s personal assistants, quietly working behind the scenes to ensure every step you take is in harmony with your body's natural alignment. For those with overpronation, insoles are not just about adding an extra layer of cushioning—they’re about providing targeted support where it’s needed most. 

Here’s how they make a difference:

Correct Alignment

Insoles designed for overpronation help realign your feet, encouraging a more natural foot motion as you walk or run.

Distribute Pressure

They spread the pressure more evenly across your foot, reducing the concentration of stress on the inner edge.

Support Arch

Proper arch support is crucial for overpronators, and the right insoles offer that support, preventing the arch from collapsing during movement.

What Features Should You Look For in Insoles for Overpronation?

Hunting for insoles to help with overpronation can feel a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack. Don't fret—we've got you covered! 

Here are key features to look for to ensure maximum comfort and support:

  • Arch Support: Look for insoles with structured arch support tailored to overpronation. This feature helps maintain the foot’s natural arch, preventing excessive inward rolling.

  • Firm Material: While soft, cushiony insoles might feel nice at first, overpronators benefit from a firmer material that won’t compress easily under pressure, offering sustained support.

  • Heel Cup: A well-defined heel cup can enhance stability by keeping the heel centered and reducing the sideways rolling of the foot.

  • Shape and Fit: Opt for insoles that match the contour of your shoes and feet. A good fit ensures maximum effectiveness and comfort.

What Are the Best Insoles for Overpronation?

When it comes to overpronation, not all insoles are equal. The right insole will feel tailor-made to you, keep you comfy, and keep aches and pains at bay. 

Let's break down the best types of insoles for those who overpronate.

Orthotic Arch Supports

Orthotic arch supports are the go-to for anyone looking to address overpronation seriously. These insoles are designed with a focus on providing structured support, specifically around the arch area. This prevents the foot from excessively rolling inwards. 

  • Structured Support: They offer a stable foundation that keeps your arches from flattening out, a common issue for overpronators.
  • Customizable Options: Many orthotic insoles come in different arch heights, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your unique foot shape.

Memory Foam Insoles

Memory foam insoles adapt to the shape of your foot, providing personalized comfort that feels like it was made just for you.

  • Adaptive Cushioning: These insoles mold to your feet, offering support and pressure relief in all the right places.
  • Long-Lasting Comfort: Despite their softness, high-quality memory foam insoles maintain their shape and support over time, making them a great choice for daily wear.

Gel Insoles

For those who are active or spend a lot of time on their feet, gel insoles can provide the shock absorption needed to keep their feet feeling fresh.

  • Shock Absorption: Gel insoles are excellent at reducing the impact on your feet during activities like walking, running, or standing for long periods.
  • Targeted Support: Look for gel insoles with added arch support features, ensuring they’re not just comfortable but also good for overpronators.

Does Kizik Offer Insoles for Overpronation?

Now that we’ve talked about the importance of addressing overpronation and what to look for in insoles, you might be wondering, "Does Kizik offer anything for someone like me?" 


At Kizik, we create stylish, hands-free shoes that will ensure your feet have the support they need—especially if overpronation is part of your story.

Our insoles are made with the understanding that a great day starts with comfortable feet. Whether you’re taking a leisurely stroll, running errands, or on your feet all day at work, we’ve got insole options to mitigate the effects of overpronation and keep you moving comfortably. 

Super Squish Insole

First up in our lineup is the Super Squish Insole. It’s designed for those who crave extra cushion while still needing support. 

The Super Squish lives up to its name by providing a plush, cushioned underfoot, but it’s not just about softness. Its design also molds to your foot, offering a personalized fit that supports and cradles, making it a great choice for those dealing with overpronation.

Arch Form Insole

For those who need more targeted support, our Arch Form Insole is a game-changer. It’s specifically designed to offer firm support along the arch, following the natural contours of your foot. 

This insole works hard to prevent the excessive inward roll associated with overpronation, ensuring your foot is aligned and stable with every step you take. Both our Super Squish and Arch Form insoles can be inserted into your favorite Kizik shoes. Just slide them right in for convenient support you need. 

And because we understand that overpronation varies from person to person, we encourage you to consider your specific needs when selecting the right insole for you. You may even consider speaking to a podiatrist. 

Making the Right Choice for Your Feet

Navigating the world of insoles for overpronation can be a bit like choosing the right coffee blend in the morning—it needs to be made for you. 

Here are some tips to keep your feet happy and healthy:

Know Your Feet

Knowing how your feet overpronate is crucial. Do they roll in significantly or just a tad? The difference can help you decide how much support and correction you really need.

Consider Your Activities

Are you a runner, a hiker,  a daily walker? Your activities greatly influence the type of insole that will work best for you. For instance, runners might benefit from more shock absorption, while daily wear might call for a focus on comfort and support.

Consult a Professional

When in doubt, speak to a podiatrist or a foot health specialist. They can offer insights into your specific needs and recommend insoles that will provide the best support for overpronation.

Give It Time

Once you’ve made a choice, give your feet time to adjust to the new insoles. Initial discomfort is normal, but if it persists, consider trying a different insole or consulting with a professional. 

A Final Word

At Kizik, we offer shoes and solutions.  We understand that finding the right insole for overpronation isn’t just about comfort—it’s about improving your quality of life. Our insoles are designed to meet you right where you are, offering the support and comfort your unique feet need. 

Remember, the best footwear combines the right shoe with the right insole. And with Kiziks, your shoes will transform every step to be more comfortable, confident, and on its way to a healthier gait. 


Disease/Condition: Overpronation: What It Is, Causes & Treatment | Cleveland Clinic

Supination - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics 

Overpronation (Foot Biomechanics) - Signs, Symptoms & Related Injuries | Sports Injury Clinic 

Shock absorption characteristics of running shoes | PubMed 

Written By: Chris Fry

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